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Wimby Thinks

Consulting on Marketing Strategy, Organisational development, Consumer Trends and Insights

Across marketing departments, strategy departments, creative agencies, media agencies or digital agencies, I have found there are some common and recurring themes. Some questions, problem states and thoughts on synergies and tradeoffs that keep coming up.

These themes include

  • Long term vs short term
  • Brand building vs sales
  • Traditional vs digital
  • User centricity
  • Consistency vs adaptability
  • Measurements and what does good look like
  • Inhouse vs outsource
  • Designing organization and incentives to match strategic direction
  • Stakeholder management and explaining the value of Marketing.

These are topics where you need an understanding of the practicalities of the respective fields. But you also need strategic direction. Some frameworks and guidelines to help setting direction and priorities.

In many ways a strategy is needed to reject good ideas. Organisations generally have more potentially profitable ideas than they have resources to implement, hence the strategy should guide which profitable ideas not to execute.

My Background

After 20 years in the marketing field, working at media agencies, creative agencies, digital agencies and heading up marketing departments, I hope to be able to bring something to the table in discussions regarding marketing strategy, digitalization, organizational structures in marketing, measurement of success in marketing.

I’ve worked with performance marketing before the term “performance marketing” was invented, at a Direct Marketing Consultancy.

I was a digital marketing consultant in the years when social media and mobile internet came into play.

I spent 8 years at a digital/creative agency, trying to figure out how to balance the creative and the digital. Also, how to set up an organization that delivered value, had happy employees, and could deliver on both conceptual creativity and marketing automation.

I have worked at a marketing departmenta, balancing consistency vs agile work methodology, local vs central. Also trying to figure out the best way to link creative to media to UX to product.

What I have found more than anything: It’s complicated. And there are usually a lot more considerations than first meets the eye. But looking at the bigger picture, being customer oriented, and having open dialogue is usually a good starting point.

Thought Leadership

Some info on my thinking kan be found on my articles in marketing journal Resumé or in the blog archive.

Some Partners / Clients